A month before my graduation from the University of Bristol, (no 32 in the latest world league table of Universities) with an honors degree in Economics and Accounting, I celebrated my 21st birthday. The couple, who took me to dinner that day at a restaurant by the Downs wanted to know what my future aspirations were! Half jokingly I said I would like to live in a mud hut in Sri Lanka, free of all the troubles and stresses of western life.
Part of this prophecy is now coming true, and I hope to get some photos to straddle this entry to show the construction phase of the hut. I am not kidding but it is the coolest place on the planet! The sticks and wood used to make the frame have been cut from the area about the property, with no harm to the environment as thinning the branches will help the trees grow better. The mud used to fill the crevices is adjoining the hut, from an anthill, the traditional source for good quality mud for this type of work. The roof is covered completely in Iluk, as this will last for about 5 years, and is strong and plentiful.
The construction was done by the local people, with the young looking in awe at its construction, as I don’t think this type of hut has been constructed in these places for a long time, and is also a tradition that is fast dying as almost all homes are now made of brick and cement, with roofs either of sheets or with tiles. It is interesting how the mud balls made much like for a pottery class are blasted into the crevice by hand to stick, and then the mud has to dry before the outer layers are put both for the inside and the outside.
The hut comprises a room 13ft by 10ft and a verandah, 13ft by 5ft constructed under a large tree to give it additional shade and coolness. The pictures show the simple design, and I hope to have two single beds in the room with two chairs in the verandah and a book-shelf. A basic traditional door and two windows facing the verandah are included together with two 3ft by 2ft glass panels embedded into the mud at the sides of the room to allow for light.
I had a cousin and family visit me this Avurudhu season and gave their thumbs up to the style, and I just have to make sure all the crevices are properly covered when the final layer is put to deter the sometimes poisonous creepy crawlies who like to make this area their home if given half the chance in these cool climes out of the hot weather outside.
Of course the question every one is dying to ask is how much this would cost? I have been alluding to the high level of wages the people in the villages in Sri Lanka expect as compared with Colombo, as they don’t expect the work to be permanent. A daily wage of Rs700 for a male and Rs500 for a female, along with the cutting and transporting of the Iluk from an Iluk field means the whole thing till completion including the wood doors and windows will set me back about Rs75,000. In essence I am paying for people’s time, be it to cut the wood, to make the mud balls, to make the frames, and get the cow dung for the flooring and the grass for the roof. There is no purchase necessary from a Hardware store except for the door and window hinges and locks. In an economic sense sense this expense is more beneficial for the locality than a cement, brick, tile unit which in today’s context will be about Rs200,000 with the cost mainly for bought materials.
You should have look at Rammed Earth walls (Tappe Bitthi) . Much better than wattle and daub for very little over head.
Some Info here:
Rammed Earth and Stabilized Rammed Earth ( Thappe Bitthi ) Here is a photo of a rammed earth wall built in Dodanduwa
Congratulations !!!!! This is so good. It is great to achieve your dreams. I am immensely pleased for you. Your post is great. Heartfelt and genuine. A refreshing change from some of the other blogs that I read.
Do completely ignore sbarrkum. This is typical Sri Lankan to say "ooo, I got it for free or it could be done better". This is why we do not move forward as a nation. As practical ideas are killed instantly by grand designs. You used Illuk cause it was freely available and did not want to use machinery and the labor/expertise that you had were most suitable for you. In theory not building the hut is greater and is better than everything else !!!! greener, no overheads and longer lasting as it is only in your dreams !!!!!
So do ignore negative comments.
Wish you would update this with some photos.
Do try and blog on a consistent basis.
You do have such a refreshing style of writting.
Hello Ranjit, Great news! Happy for you achievements! on the otherhand now I am thinking why those people whom we helped (after the tsunami) spent $5000 to built a house. Looks like most of the money were wasted instead of building houses.
Ranjit, contrats on your new living quarters. A bit of a change from Merryl's place in London. Ranjit, why weren't you in the contest mentioned in the article below from the Island? Please comment on this contest in your blog if you can...
Agricultural entrepreneurs honoured
by Jayantha de Silva
The CIC Agri Business recently held the ‘Shura Goviya’ contest in their Agricultural complex in Dambulla.
The crown of the nations king cultivator was bestowed upon Nihal Fernando, a native of Kalpitiya.
The ruuner up was Priyantha Lal Kumar age and Sameera Nuwan Liyanage was the second runner up.
The only female participant was Ramya Kumarie (29) from Alubomulla in Mahabellana who was amongst the 10 finalists.
The winner was awarded a FAW vehicle.
The runner up was awarded an Indian made two wheel tractor and the second runner up was the recipient of a Singer Kinetic motor cycle.
The contestants faced several trade and theory tests from an eminent panel of examiners including university academics.
The participants had to face a grueling 15 workshops and also a written test.
Speaking on the occasion Minister of Agricultural Development and Agrarian Services Development Maithripala Sirisena who was the Chief Guest said; I am happy to be associated with the CIC Manusakama (Humanitarian) project. Agriculture commands wide focus internationally.
The UN forecasts a world food crisis in the year 2010. To meet this, agricultural production should be raised. Fortunately,
RS 100 billion is spent annually to import food.
President Mahinda Rajapakse initiated an agricultural development plan at the national level.
The success of this programme was also due to the contribution of the private sector. Towards this end, the endeavours of the CIC an entity without the resources of the state agricultural sector are an example to both state and private sectors.
Minister of Local Government and Provincial Councils Janaka Bandara Tennakoon said that the negative fall out from the World economic melt down was due to the success of Mahida Chintanaya and commended the CIC for being the fore runner in agriculture.
Chairman of CIC Agri business B.R.L. Fernando emphasized the need for the young people to remain in the provinces and add their contribution to agriculture. He also called for mechanization of agriculture for the purpose of increasing out put.
He urged the preservation of forest cover and stressed its importance to agriculture.
Some of the contestants such as young Sudesh from Nuwara Eliya district were land less. He was cultivating on borrowed land.
He said that if he is given land, he will stop import of potatoes
Within 20years and endeavour to grow the nations needs.
Ramya Kumarie who said that she was paying a monthly installment of Rs.20, 000 to the bank for the land she had bought, appealed to President Mahinda Rajapakse to give her a plot of land to cultivate and become a Shura Geviliya. (Champion female cultivator)
The Shura Goviya event is a concept of CIC Agri Ambassador
Wasantha Dukkgannarala. Chandu of CIC Agri Business assisted in all programmers of the event.
The house that RR has built is a life style option and is not a normal Sri Lankan house which is built using bricks and cement.
Most people who were hurt the tsunami did not live in homes like the one RR built. They lived in normal houses in Sri Lanka.
Life style options are great they are not practical within the city. These places are quite pen to the environment and is unsafe in the sense of insects and human animal that lives within the city.
They are good if you live in a community where everyone is inclusive and known to you.
They often do not have running water and electricity. They are very basic structures and people who live in the cities that were effected by the tsunami cannot use them.
I think RR's option is great, green and totally super. However it is NOT an option for most people in Sri Lanka who have to battle drug dealers, dengi mosquitoes and the cost of living everyday.
So to conclude $5000 for a house in Sri Lanka is below the normal price for an average house built with bricks and cement. The people were able to get this only due to economies of scale and non of the money was wasted.
Please refrain from comparing RR's life style with that of the normal Sri Lankan who live in the unknown city, where you need a secure practical and a cheap day to day solution.
Nope. $5000 for a house is nothing.
Ranjith lives in the village and that is not an option for everyone.
Look what he goes through
To add my two cents on the Tsunami houses, $5k is good value indeed as I know some concerns spent over $20k on houses that were poorly built and money was certainly wasted. We must however give credit to those who built with careful planning and little wastage and bring those who make a killing out of the Tsunami to book, many Colombo millionairs are part of the latter sadly making full use of contracts to supply building material or labor and screwing the INGO's who also screwed their donors by bringing $10K a month foreign consultants when local people could have done a better job knowing the actual prices of products in the local market etc.
To add my two cents on the Tsunami houses, $5k is good value indeed as I know some concerns spent over $20k on houses that were poorly built and money was certainly wasted. We must however give credit to those who built with careful planning and little wastage and bring those who make a killing out of the Tsunami to book, many Colombo millionairs are part of the latter sadly making full use of contracts to supply building material or labor and screwing the INGO's who also screwed their donors by bringing $10K a month foreign consultants when local people could have done a better job knowing the actual prices of products in the local market etc.
Glad to see the photos.
Having lived in the NWP, I am familiar with these houses. Around 1959-60, we lived in a larger w &d house in Nattandiya, which had thick walls, a thatched roof, and a cement floor. (No electricity or running water, of course.) It must have been the coolest house in Sri Lanka!
One danger are "mapilas", and they can be deadly. But a household cat will take care of them.
The most expensive item is the roof, which will need re-thatching. If this is not done regularly, the w & d will simply wash off.
Good luck.
Thank you all, specially Ayla and Rajaratarala for clearing my misconception. I do not regret the help we extended, one way or the other.
We are gearing up for next wave already!
Been thru the wattle and daub process with mud/cowdung floors myself.
See here for for the first w&t hut I built. Here are a couple of pics of it being constructed.You w&t is fine, you will need to do a couple of iterations of filling in the cracks in the wall as the mud dries or else yoll find as George mentioned guests taking abode in the cracks of the walls.
The mud/cowdung floors are not going to be acceptable as youll find out. Too much dust that just wont be swept off. It took me about 4 months before I finally admitted the mistake and put in a cement floor.
this is great to read all of these comments, even though some of the comments are from "two timers" it's still very interesting to read everyone's input on this post.
what about the "silent hundreds" that read this blog regularly. How about some comments from you?
Great conversation, thanks to everyone, including "the rala" himself!
Lets see how many comments we can get. I too wonder ho many people read this blog as it is not easy to find!
I am chiming in as a salute to this great blog. I can say with confidence the best blog in Sri Lanka.
I encourage all readers to at least drop a line to say hello.
Keer blogging RR. Cheers!
Nice house. I won't mind staying there for a week or two!!
Been following your posts for a few months, now, admire the life choice. maximuslk@gmail.com
Came across your articles accidentally when I googled for info on thalana batu-fascinating reading about your dream lifestyle in Sri Lanka-it shows incredible courage and commitment to the land of your birth-we too hoped to come and live this lifestyle but have not been able to do this yet-You are an inspiration to the folks around-hope they strive to emulate your dedication and efforts to living off the land.
I'm in west central Texas...and am considering W&D for the west wall of my shop.
We're generally very dry, here..(100 F/20% humidity, right now)...but get the occasional "monsoon".
How does this stand up to downpours? I need a wall mainly for a windbreak.rentip09
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