I was just informed today that some bags of fertilizer, (Urea) have been stolen from a locked garage on the adjoining property, same one in which the coconut thief was caught. So these are the problems of modern day small scale agriculture in Sri Lanka. No wonder then that those willing to invest in agriculture today, think seriously about securing the property from all comers, and completely fencing with expensive high fencing making it difficult to enter a property. The village properties with reservations etc. are difficult to so secure, but having the cost of a permanent watcher is also out of the question, as often the watchers are in cahoots with the thief!
So I have got myself a dog whose progeny I hope to introduce to the Polonnaruwa property to keep the unwanted visitors, both human and animal at bay. The only light I have had in the tough year I faced has been the somewhat limited time I have been able to spend with Bahu and Megha the puppies I recently acquired. The former is a Rhodesian Ridgeback and the latter a Dalmatian, both male, who I hope in time to be able to get them partners.
I am new to dog owning and it is a learning curve in knowing what to do and how to bring them up. It is time that I find some assistance in training as it is important that these dogs are properly trained to maximize on their true potential and benefit. So if anyone has any tips on how to properly train them, please let me know.
I have opened a website blog just for the dogs as they lend themselves to a picture filled blog showing them grow in size and dexterity. It is a dog's point of view on life and is www.sinhabahuridgeback.blogspot.com and I show a few of the photos that fill the blog above and below.
The veterinary care is important for pure breeds as they are more susceptible to catching diseases, and am fortunate to avail myself of the services of the vet who visits the farm to inseminate the cows, for the care of the dogs too.
padashow (young samaranayaka) is frustrated about something.
please ban him from your site as his comments are not useful.
Actually Padashow is young Samarajiva (not Samaranayake). His name is Indrajit Samarajiva aka Indi. The sad sorry soul blogs at www.indi.ca and www.padashow.wordpress.com
Ignore that idiot please.
thank you for adding a link to one of your other blogs so that we can keep track of different aspects of your life, and the interesting issues presented to you in your daily life.
can you also link the ratmale.blogspot.com website for your kumbuk pokuna lodge so that we can keep track of this project as well??
Whether we like it or not, rural areas are still a bit of a wild west. One has to provide ones own security. Getting guard dogs is good thinking. If you have pedigree dogs, why don’t you branch out in to dog breeding? There might be a good market in Colombo among your well to do clients.
Whether we like it or not, rural areas are still a bit of a wild west. One has to provide ones own security. Getting guard dogs is good thinking. If you have pedigree dogs, why don’t you branch out in to dog breeding? There might be a good market in Colombo among your well to do clients.
Great photos of the dogs and I am thilled that you have seperate blog for them. Shall check it out. Mak esure that you give them plenty of green leaves with their diet. Otherwise their coats will have mange due to stray dogs.
As for Padashow. That's Indi and it is really good if yuo can ban him. Some time back Indi samarajiva wrote on your blog that he would like to vist you and could you send him a email. I think either this commnt went missing or you chose to ignore him, wisely. So this is his revenge. Cna you please ban him from your site ?
How do you ban someone from a blog site? Would be helpful to know. Thanks.
I'm the kind of hombre who passions to taste recent things. Presently I am fabricating my private pv panels. I am doing it all by myself without the aid of my staff. I am using the net as the only way to acheive this. I discovered a truly awesome website that explains how to make pv panels and so on. The website explains all the steps involved in photovoltaic panel construction.
I'm not exactly sure bout how accurate the info given there is. If some experts over here who had xp with these things can have a look and give your feedback in the site it would be great and I would highly treasure it, cauze I extremely passion solar panel construction.
Tnx for reading this. You people are great.
Mr Rala, If you want to secure your property with a help of a dog is should be a German Shepered.sri lankans are dead scared of them. I had one when I was in Sri Lanka no body even come near the gate.
I agree you should ban Padasho from your website. Hope the dogs help you. What about a pit bull?
What is your opinion on the presidential election? Do you think General Sarath Fonseka can make a difference?
Good luck as you continue to live your dream.So many are probably envious of you-most of us just don't have the courage and confidence to do what you are doing-many will realise too late that there are no tow bars on a hearse!!!-everyone is working so darn hard to collect so much-all we all really need is good healthy simple food and peace of mind-most working overseas will ultimately end up in aged care heavily sedated staring at a TV and be served weetbix for breakfast while you even in your old age will probably be treating yourself to a healthy fresh breakfast of yams from your garden and be able to rest under the shade of a mango tree!!Good luck I wish I had the courage to do what you are doing.
glad to know you have met the time for a new dog, with getting a new dog.
now it's time for a new blog posting!
At Celebrity Thanks for this amazing content
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